Political Organizing on WhatsApp


WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. With an estimated 70 million users in the US alone, WhatsApp provides a great opportunity to politically engage AAPI communities. 

Here are a few key takeaways from Sundeep Narwani, our resident WhatsApp organizing expert, on how we can utilize the messaging service to turn out the vote this November. Watch the full workshop here.

What do AAPIs use WhatsApp for?

WhatsApp allows you to easily share videos, GIFS, memes, and more. AAPIs are already having authentic political discourse on this platform, and with COVID-19 restrictions, we will be relying on messaging apps to stay in touch with friends and family.

What content is most successful on WhatsApp?

User-generated content is overwhelmingly successful on the platform. This is content like images, videos, memes, etc that are made by the users. Think of this as “homemade” content that is authentic to the users, as opposed to perfectly curated content from marketing experts.

Examples of UGC on WhatsApp:


What opportunities are available on WhatsApp for political organizing?

  • Sharing videos reminding people to register to vote, how to vote by mail, and voting deadlines.

  • Forwarding links to online petitions and campaigns.

  • Coordinating meetings for community groups, and sending video call links.

  • Promoting online and offline fundraising efforts.

  • Debunking fake news immediately.

How should we initiate and moderate a conversation on WhatsApp?

  • Ask open-ended questions.

  • Post an article or video and ask a question/ for comments.

  • Share a personal story (in video or text format) and ask others to do the same.


Join our political organizing group on WhatsApp for more tips and content.

Need inspiration for creating your own content? Get started by creating an #AActivated selfie video and encouraging your circles on WhatsApp to do the same.

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