Join us to Empower our Community this fall!


THanks for joining us!

Thank you for participating in our historic AAPI Mobilization event with Indivisible! We were thrilled to have you join us! Below are concrete steps that you can take to get empowered with us!

For those who couldn't attend the live event or want to revisit any part of the discussion, we've provided a link to the Zoom recording below and a special message from Ken Jeong here!

Sign Up for Future Video Testimony

We're excited to continue working together and would love to hear your voice in future video testimonials! If you're interested in sharing your story or experiences to help inspire and mobilize others, please sign up using the form here.

Get empowered with us!

Additionally, we’re thrilled to introduce the Empower Project app — a fantastic tool for relational organizing in your community. This app will help you connect with others, organize events, and mobilize your community! Here's how you can get started:

  1. Download the App using this link or by searching “Empower Relational Organizing”

    • App Store

    • Google Play

  2. Create Your Account:

  3. Join Our AAPI Community:

    • Once logged in, search for "AAPI Victory Alliance" and join our group to stay connected and informed.

  4. Start Organizing:

    • Explore the features, connect with others, and start planning your next steps in relational organizing!

Share Your Experience on Social Media with sosha!

Let’s continue the momentum! We've created a SoSha toolkit that makes sharing your experience with the Empower Project app on your social media easy. It's a fun way to spread the word about relational organizing and remind everyone how crucial it is to get involved in this election.