RECAP: AAPI Activation 2020


The silver lining is that your vote is everything. Let’s use our power and get this country back on track!
- Joel de la Fuente

August 2020 has been an exciting time for AAPIs and progressives all around the country. On the heels of Kamala Harris becoming the first Black and South Asian woman to ever receive the Vice Presidential nomination, we gathered and heard from amazing speakers at the Democratic National Convention. 

And this week, AAPI Progressive Action, alongside AAPI Victory Fund and The 2020 Project, put together AAPI Activation 2020: a conversation with AAPI influencers from Hollywood to discuss the power of the Asian American electorate.


  • Joel de la Fuente, Actor and activist from "Man in the High Castle"

  • Tamlyn Tomita, Actress and activist from "The Good Doctor" & "Joy Luck Club"

  • Piya Sinha-Roy, Freelance Journalist

  • Moderated by Varun Nikore, Executive Director of AAPI Progressive Action

The conversation focused on the important role the AAPIs play in this year’s election. We had the opportunity to hear each panelist’s opinion on Kamala Harris’s VP nomination and the impact that has on representation for AAPIs and women. We echoed gratitude for strength and eloquence of Michelle Obama. And we got into the relationship between the ongoing pandemic and the our communities.

We also learned more about each panelist personally - the reasons why each of them believe their role in this election is important and how they plan to make a difference in the coming months. 

Don’t underestimate the power of Hollywood. For good or bad, our current president is from a reality TV show. Hollywood represents our nation. - Piya Sinha-Roy

A huge thank you to our panelists for joining us this week and for emphasizing the individual power that we have to make an impact not only in this Presidential Election, but also in the down ballot races and within our own communities. It’s up to us to show up at the polls and vote for a better future. 

It’s our stories that can truly influence the people around us. By breaking the silence and showing others who we are and what matters to us, AAPIs can have a real voice not only in this election, but also in future policy decisions that affect all of us. Join the #AActivated campaign and share your story today to ensure that the AAPI community is heard in 2020 and beyond.

Want to learn more? Keep an eye out on our Facebook and Twitter for future events. You can also watch some of our previous webinars where we discuss other battleground states, Covid-19’s impact on the AAPI community, and recent AAPI polling data.

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