
Bel Leong-Hong – Co-Founder and Vice Chair, AAPI Victory Fund; Founder, President, and CEO, Knowledge Advantage, Inc.

Ms. Belkis Leong-Hong is the Founder, President, and CEO of Knowledge Advantage Inc., a woman-owned, SDB-certified company specializing in delivery of a wide array of services on Information Technology and Knowledge Management Solutions, Program Management And Analysis, Strategic Planning, Leadership Development, Training, Human Capital, and Workforce Initiatives. Her clients include Government agencies, Fortune-100 companies, systems integrators, product companies, and small IT services companies.

As a former General/Flag-equivalent senior executive in the Department of Defense, with 30 years of public service, Leong-Hong has held a number of high-level positions that include serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, where she managed a multi- billion dollar portfolio in Command and Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) programs, congressional relations, information technology policies, and strategic planning; Principal Director and CIO at the Defense Security Service (DSS); Deputy Commander of the Joint Interoperability and Engineering Organization (JIEO) at Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) responsible for over 1500 computer scientists and engineers, and where she also served as Director for Center for Information Management, and Director for Information Engineering. Her achievements include establishing and implementing the first DOD-wide Data Administration function for the Department of Defense; creating the first Center of Software Excellence in DISA; implementing the first DOD-wide Corporate Information Management initiative; establishing and managing several DOD-wide BPR efforts, to include civilian personnel, medical logistics, and finance; actively participated as a group lead in the consolidation of IT capabilities and resources under the new DISA banner; and actively contributor to the first C4ISR enterprise architecture and standards development.

Leong-Hong is active in her professional community and sits on corporate boards as well as several non-profit and appointed boards.